Humans of Law

Daniel, Hattie, and Rhiana - aspiring lawyer panel

Humans of Law / Daniel Onafuwa / Hattie Rawlings / Rhiana Assi Season 2 Episode 4

In this extra special episode of Humans of Law, Louise is joined by our first ever panel. It consists of Daniel Onafuwa, Hattie Rawlings, and Rhiana Assi, who are all young aspiring solicitors.

The conversation tackles how each of them are trying to find their way into an incredibly competitive legal industry, whilst overcoming the challenges of the last few years.  Each of our guests is taking a different path into law, and they all come from different backgrounds. Amongst other things, the conversation explores how each of them are united in their perseverance to find a life an in industry they love. It's a really inspiring and interesting discussion, and offers a candid look at the current challenges facing tomorrow's lawyers.

Humans of Law is a podcast produced by Flex Legal, an award-winning digital platform that connects interim lawyers and paralegals to the clients that need their support. Thanks for listening!